Stand out to be noticed
The key to attracting clients is standing out. But there are so many alternatives to contracting a professional services firm and so many options to gain market attention, that standing out is difficult to do. How do you get noticed by those clients who will gain the most benefit by working with you? Here’s three ideas.
1. Find your niche
First of all, find your niche. Working within a niche not only means that you specialise in a field of professional services, but it also means you specialise in an industry or philosophy. Many firms go too far in their marketing efforts for no real reason other than thinking that at least they have published, attended or sent something. Niche marketing shortcuts your efforts and enables you to focus. A focus effort takes less energy and provides greater benefit – and every firm likes a better return on investment.
2. Introduce video
Content marketing is moving (literally) into another medium, and that’s video. Instead of writing, try filming. It’s beginning to dominate marketing, as it’s easy for the viewer. From how-to promotional videos to those that offer advice – start using them. With practice, it can become quicker than writing and editing articles and it is also more searchable than ever.
3. Be active
‘Getting amongst it’ is another way to be noticed – physically and virtually. Regularly check in to your social media to search for information relevant to your area of expertise and to your clients. Comment on these posts, share them with your network, send a snippet to someone. Physically get out of your chair, meet new contacts for a coffee, catch up with a client, ask for introductions, attend relevant events, speak at events – all great ways to get noticed.