Roll with it! Rolling out your content across multiple channels

It is true that there’s no point in publishing new content on your blog if you have no intention of promoting it. After all, why spend time and energy creating an incredible piece of well-researched and well-written content that will resonate with your target audience if you have no plans of letting them know it exists? The key is to leverage your content and roll it out across multiple platforms.

Be present across more platforms

The fact is that your prospects don’t spend their time online waiting for you to post new content. Your potential clients are likely on social media just like everyone else. And by establishing an active and engaging presence across multiple platforms, you not only get their attention but gain access to a broader audience and ultimately, more leads.

Create accounts on the top social media platforms for your industry. For most firms, this means having a profile on LinkedIn and Twitter – and sometimes Facebook and Instagram, depending on your market (and marketing resources). Each time you publish a new blog, push it across all your channels. Rely on your presence on other networks to get the word out when you’ve just posted something new. It’s also an excellent way to drive more traffic to your website.

With Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, it’s as easy as posting a link with a status inviting your audience to check out the newest entry on your blog. On Instagram, you can post an image relevant to your blog article with a caption to check out your bio for the link to your latest blog.

Waste not, want not!

When it comes to content creation, we also believe in being wise about how we use our resources. We find ways to maximize great content and extend their shelf-life.

When you’ve done your research, know your audience well, and have stayed up-to-date with trends, you have what it takes to create a remarkable piece of content that performs exceptionally well. It will be enjoyed and shared more often than anything you’ve ever published. There will be so many comments that you can barely keep up – what a dream!

But what do you do when your 15 minutes of fame are up? Find ways to keep the conversation going by reposting your most successful pieces or a repurposed variation of it.

Repurposing content is how you can take content you already know works and reinventing it to reach a new audience. It’s about taking what you have and breathing in new life.

Some smart ways to repurpose a top-performing blog piece is by turning it into an infographic. It works well with content that is full of facts and statistics. Another way to reinvent material is by cutting it up into smaller chunks and turning it into an email series.

And if you’ve got amazing long-form content, repackage it into an eBook. Add some high-quality visuals and a good introduction, and you’ve got a signature piece of content you can use to optimise your marketing. Not only are eBooks perfect lead generation tools but an opportunity for you to showcase your expertise and present yourself as a thought leader.

When it comes to content and maximising your marketing; always ask yourself if you’ve explored all avenues. Ask yourself if you’ve promoted enough and if you’ve leveraged marketing resources you already have.

To learn more, subscribe to our blog. You won’t be bombarded – we only publish with new ideas and thoughts, not on a daily basis.
