Digital disruption or digital readiness? You can’t claim immunity!
Digital transformation is changing the way we communicate and do business. More information is available than ever before and most questions can be answered with a quick Google search. The more your clients read and learn, the more they feel that they can look after themselves and cut costs associated with professional services budgets.
Take Xero, the cloud based accounting software, for example. Embraced by SMEs across Australia, it’s easier than ever for a business to undertake their own compliance.
Uber has disrupted transport, what will disrupt your service offering? As a provider of professional services, will you soon become obsolete?
Let us provide a few tips on how to use thought leadership to remain relevant, responsive, prepared and ahead of this phenomenon.
- Technical updates with impact
So many firms release compliance driven updates to their clients when legislation, rules and regulations change. The trick is to make these valuable. Take what you know about your clients and use this insight to deliver value. Don’t just list the changes; discuss how they may impact their business, how they can counter negative effects and embrace opportunities. Think about your service offering and let them know how you can support them with these challenges. Re-visit the ‘subject’ a few months down the track and provide further commentary on how this change truly impacted the market.
- Create and preserve wealth
In order to increase your own profits, identify ways your clients can do the same. As well as providing simple suggestions to structure their business, drive revenues, create efficiencies and identify new opportunities, use your knowledge and experience to develop a ‘tried and tested’ approach to support them to do so. Anyone can provide simple advice, but few have the know-how to translate this into real value for their clients.
- Predicting future trends
A true thought leader will have one finger on the pulse and another to the wind. Look at trends and industry issues. Think about political and economic pressures. Build scenarios around the future you predict for your clients and work with them towards their ‘best case’ outcome.
- Give more
Often we give what we have to, to meet expectations. Thought leaders give more with meaning – that’s why they’re considered leaders. Webinars, articles, presentations and case studies are all ways you can educate your clients and demonstrate your leadership.
- Introduce new technologies
Now, this may sound counterintuitive, but introduce your clients to new technologies. Why? There are a few alternatives:
- Ignore the technologies and get left behind
- Embrace new technologies and support your clients adapt
- Embrace new technologies and deliver new service offerings around them.
A thought leadership strategy has the potential to support you in delivering real value and remaining relevant to your clients, now and into the future. Professional services are not immune to digital transformation. Embrace new technologies, educate your clients and support them to succeed – and you will too!