Why you need to start advertising on LinkedIn

Because LinkedIn is the place where most, if not all, of your prospects, are located. End of story.

Well, that was the shortest blog ever!

Seriously, let us explain further and give you some numbers and stats for Australia and the World, which should make it more than enough of a reason to start concentrating on LinkedIn advertising more than you are now.

It’s all in the numbers

LinkedIn is the largest professional platform in the world, and it has been for a long time now. The latest reports say that LinkedIn has around 610 million members. Just consider that these are 610 million professionals. What’s more, more than 100 million of those members are senior-level influencers, executives, and other decision-makers – precisely the type of potential clients a professional services firm wants to target in your advertising.

LinkedIn is thus a gold mine for B2B firms as it’s precisely the place where most of the Fortune 500 top decision-makers and higher executives enjoy spending a significant part of their free time. It’s also the place where most new business collaborations are born.

Yes, we at The Thought Leadership Initiative are well aware that other social media presents the present and the future of marketing, but it certainly isn’t the only place, nor is the central location for all marketing efforts.

The undisputed leader of B2B lead generation is LinkedIn, and there’s no doubt about that.

What about Australia?

The latest numbers say that you need to be on LinkedIn if you’re looking for prospects in Australia, as the platform has experienced a massive spike in growth recently. Around 10% quarter-on-quarter growth when it comes to audience member growth. Of all social media platforms, only Snapchat has a more significant increase, but Snapchat is not a platform for professionals (yet).

However, that’s not all the growth that might be of interest to you. The same reports are saying that all marketing metrics are experiencing a huge boost lately – people searching for products and services, those making purchases, and a lot more.

How to advertise on LinkedIn

We’re publishing a series of blogs on LinkedIn advertising, so will explain in more details ‘how to advertise’, but LinkedIn has made it easy anyway. You can create ads and sponsored content on LinkedIn in minutes. The interface is easy to use. All you need to do is write your post or create an ad, and then select your target audience by position title, qualification, location, industry….even right down to company name… and you will be placed right in front of, potentially, tens of millions of decision-makers.

With LinkedIn premium, you can go even further, by sending sponsored mail messages that go directly into the inbox of these professionals.

We will not further bore you with the details as everything you need to know can be found on LinkedIn.

The only thing that we can tell you is that LinkedIn is the place where you need to be right now – your prospects are waiting!

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